Wednesday, July 3, 2024
17.9 C

Smog will come again


Smog will come again” The Punjab caretaker government’s incompetence in addressing the issue of smog was evident. If they had held elections as scheduled, they would have concluded their tenure in April, well before the current smog crisis emerged. Despite the presence of the Environment Minister, Muhammad Rizwan, who previously served as a PML(N) MPA, the problem remained unmitigated. The lack of preparedness is inexcusable since laws are already in place; they simply require political will for implementation. Instead, the Minister followed a policy of inaction, while the Education Department took the initiative by canceling school.

The problem of smog has three main causes. Firstly, harmful pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere by motor vehicles. Secondly, industries burn coal for power generation and release harmful gases into the air due to their activities. Lastly, the burning of crop stubble from the Kharif season before sowing the Rabi crop contributes significantly. These factors, combined with weather conditions, create a smog that not only impairs visibility but also irritates the eyes and throat, leading to an increase in seasonal illnesses during this time of year. Smog has become a recurring issue, and it is the responsibility of all parties vying for government to develop proactive measures in advance to address the problem. The new provincial government is expected to take office between the end of February and the beginning of May if elections are held on February 8. However, if they complacently assume that winter (20240) is several months away, they will fail to implement measures that could have an impact during the smog season. While stubble burning can only be addressed after the Rabi season, tackling vehicular and industrial pollution requires a longer lead time to affect weather conditions. The Punjab government possesses the necessary expertise through its Environmental Protection Department, but it requires political will for the government to direct it as the lead department in formulating a comprehensive plan and for the subsequent government to execute it. Unfortunately, addressing this issue does not seem to be a priority for the current government.


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